HealthPartners - Preparing for childbirth


amniotic fluid – Waterlike fluid that surrounds the baby in the uterus. amniotic sac (bag of waters) – Thin membrane that encloses the developing baby and contains the amniotic fluid. It prevents bacteria from reaching the baby. The bag tears when the “water breaks” and releases the amniotic Apgar test/score – A rating or score given to newborns at 1 and 5 minutes of age. The score is based on 5 categories: color, cry, muscle tone, respiration and reflexes. A baby can score 0 to 2 points in each category, or a maximum total score of 10. areola – The dark area around the nipple. back labor – A condition that occurs in approximately 25% of all labors. The back of the baby’s head is directed to the pregnant person’s back or turned toward their sacrum, which causes extreme back discomfort. bilirubin – A yellowish substance formed during the normal breakdown of old red blood cells in the body. bloody show – Pink or blood-tinged mucus discharge from the vagina that can occur sometime before or during labor. Braxton Hicks contractions – Intermittent uterine contractions with unpredictable frequency throughout pregnancy. These contractions are most often painless and occur more frequently as pregnancy progresses. breech – The buttocks or feet of the baby appear first in the birth canal instead of the baby’s head. cesarean birth – The method used to birth a baby through a surgical incision in the abdomen and uterus. cervix – The necklike lower part of the uterus that dilates and thins during labor to allow the baby to pass through. circumcision – The removal of the foreskin of the penis. coagulation – Clotting of blood. colostrum – The yellow to almost colorless forerunner to breast milk. It is present in the breasts during pregnancy and is the initial fluid that baby will receive for approximately 3 days until breast milk is established. contractions – The rhythmical tightening and relaxing of the uterine muscles that cause changes to occur to the cervix. crowning – The appearance of the infant’s head at the vaginal opening. diaphragm – The muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. dilation – The gradual opening of the cervix to permit passage of the baby into the vagina. It is measured in centimeters from 0 to 10. fluid outside of the body through the vagina. anesthesia – General or localized pain relief.

effacement – The gradual thinning, shortening, and rawing up of the cervix. This is measured in percentages from 0 to 100%. electronic fetal monitoring – Using a machine to record baby’s heartbeat and uterine contractions. It is placed on the abdomen externally by 2 belts — one applied on the fundus to track contractions and the other placed on the abdomen to pick up the heart rate. Monitoring can be done through the vagina to achieve more accurate readings. An electrode is attached to the baby’s scalp to monitor baby’s heart rate, and a pressure catheter is inserted through the cervix into the uterus to measure strength of contractions. engorgement – Swelling of the breasts after giving birth caused by milk, blood flow, and other fluids. This can cause the breasts to feel hard and painful. epidural anesthesia – Regional anesthesia administered through the patient’s back by a thin flexible tube placed in the epidural space. It numbs the lower part of the body. episiotomy – A surgical incision of the perineum that enlarges the vaginal opening for birth of the baby. fontanelles (soft spots) – Gaps between the bones in the baby’s head that allow for shaping through the birth canal during the birth process. forceps – Instruments used while pushing to assist the baby in moving under the pubic bone or through the lower part of the birth canal. fundus – The rounded upper portion of the uterus (womb). genital herpes – A virus that is characterized by small sores in clusters on the genitals. The infection is generally sexually transmitted and can affect the baby. Group Beta Strep – A bacterial infection that can be found in the pregnant person’s vagina or rectum and can be passed to the baby during birth. hemorrhoids – Dilated blood vessels inside the anus and beneath its thin lining (internal) or outside the anus and beneath the surface of the skin (external). hormone – A chemical substance produced in the body that is carried through the blood stream and causes the function of another gland. induction – The use of medications or amniotomy (rupture of membranes) to stimulate labor contractions. insomnia – The inability to sleep. jaundice – A newborn condition caused by excess yellow bilirubin pigment. Treatment may be required but it is generally not necessary. Kegel exercises – Exercises contracting the pelvic floor muscles that improve pelvic floor muscle tone and help prevent urinary incontinence.

111 Your Guide to Labor and Birth

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