MemorialCare - Your Guide to Postpartum and Newborn Care
DIAPERING You may hear your provider call your baby’s bowel movements “stools.” Babies frequently have changes in the number, color, and consistency of their stools. As long as your baby is eating well, gaining weight, and not showing any signs of illness, this is normal.
DIAPER CHANGES Although it’s not always pleasant, changing a diaper is just part of parenting. Newborns can go through many diapers in a day. Sometimes, babies are easygoing during changing—other times they’re cranky. Newborns don’t like getting cold during a diaper change or being changed if they’re hungry. Changing your newborn in a warm room and after feeding may help. Health and safety tips • Wash your hands before and after every diaper change • Keep diapering supplies within reach so one hand stays on your baby • Avoid using baby or talcum powder—it can cause problems if inhaled • Never leave your baby unattended during a diaper change How to change a diaper • Hold your baby’s feet together at the ankles and lift their bottom up • Remove the soiled diaper and clean the area • Wipe your baby from front to back using a clean area of the cloth every time • Place a clean diaper under your baby’s bottom • Bring the front of the diaper up between your baby’s legs • Pull the back of the diaper over the front and secure the sides • Fold the top of the diaper below the umbilical cord until it’s healed • Give your baby a hug and positive attention after you’re done
Dirty diapers • The first day stools (called meconium ) are black, thick, and sticky • As the stool changes, it takes on a greenish color for a couple of days • Breastfed babies have more liquid, runny, mustard yellow-colored stools—they’re seedy in texture Wet diapers Your baby’s urine will be a clear yellow in color. Over the first 3 days, you may notice a reddish-orange stain in your baby’s diaper. This is caused by crystals in their urine. It’s sometimes called “brick dust” because it resembles the color of bricks. Some new parents mistake this for blood in the diaper, but it is normal. The more your baby eats, the less brick dust you’ll see. Frequency Every baby is different when it comes to how frequently they’ll soil their diapers. You’ll get to know your baby’s style—but know that it will likely change over time. For more information read page 38.
It’s normal to see a white fluid or small amount of bleeding from the vaginal area during the first few weeks. This is very normal and doesn’t need to be wiped off.
Your Guide to Postpartum and Newborn Care
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