MemorialCare - Your Guide to Postpartum and Newborn Care

Baby Behavior

Some babies are quiet by nature—they can remain still and content for a long time. They tend to move in a smooth and relaxed style. Other babies are more active and seem to be in constant motion. They’re excited and interested in looking around. These babies will be harder to settle, but swaddling and physical contact may help them calm down.


FUSSING OR CRYING If your baby is wiggling or squirming, it’s a sign they may feel fussy. Fussiness may be followed by more vigorous movement of their arms and legs. And fussing may turn into crying as your baby tries to make their needs known.

When your baby is crying, here are the questions to ask:

Is my baby hungry or wants to suck?

Do I need to change the diaper?

Does my baby want to be held?

Is my baby cold or hot?

Is my baby lonely?

Gently settle your baby and feed them. Sucking on a finger, thumb, or breast may help.

Change diaper— some babies fuss when they are about to soil their diaper or when it needs to be changed.

Try gentle pats to the back, rocking, or walking. Make a “shush” sound in your baby’s ear over and over.

Add a layer of clothing—babies need 1 more layer than adults. Remove a layer of clothing— your baby might also be hot.

Go outside—a change of scenery can be distracting. Give them a massage— the stroking can be soothing.

Crying helps your baby release tension and shut out any sights, sounds, or sensations that may be overwhelming. Respond quickly to your newborn baby when they cry. When you consistently respond to your baby cries, they feel safe and secure. It also teaches them to trust you’ll be there to care for them. Do your best to meet the needs of your baby.


Your Guide to Postpartum and Newborn Care

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