MemorialCare - Your Guide to Postpartum and Newborn Care

LATCH-ON When your baby “latches on,” they’ll have all of the nipple and good amount of the areola in their mouth. This will give your baby more milk and make the feeding more comfortable.

GETTING IN POSITION Proper positioning and latch are essential. You’ll want to choose a breastfeeding “hold” or “style” that keeps your

baby in the correct position, including: • You and your baby are chest-to-chest

• Baby’s ear, shoulder, and hip are in a straight line • Baby’s body is tucked close and curved inward • Baby’s head is supported from the base of the neck


• Line up your baby’s chest with your chest and their nose near your nipple. • Support and gently lift


the breast. Make sure your fingers are away from the areola.

• Lightly stroke your

baby’s upper lip with your nipple in a downward motion.



• Lightly stroke your baby’s lower lip, pausing to let them open their mouth wide. • Your baby’s head should be slightly tilted back. • Their chin should come to your breast first. • Aim your nipple toward the roof of their mouth. • Be patient until they open their mouth wide. Let them take the lead. • When they open wide, quickly and gently bring them toward your breast. • Their mouth should cover your nipple and more of the lower portion of the areola. • If you need to remove your baby from your breast, slide your finger into the corner of the baby’s mouth to break the suction.

Clutch or Football Hold


LAID-BACK POSITION AND BABY-LED LATCH Leaning back in a comfortable

SCAN + PLAY position and holding your baby on your chest helps them follow their natural instinct to feed. With good support for your head, shoulders and arms, laid-back feeding helps you relax and may also help your baby get a better latch. Here’s how to do it: • Let your baby snuggle into your chest with a cheek resting close to your breast. • Support their neck and shoulders with one hand and their hips with the other. • Watch for your baby to start squirming and bobbing their head toward your nipple. • When the baby’s chin hits your breast, they may open their mouth and latch on. • Stay calm and relaxed as your little one follows their instinct and begins feeding.


• Lips are “flanged” or turned out • Tongue is over lower gum • Baby stays on breast

• No biting or pinching pain • Visible signs of swallowing

Remember: A good latch is a learned response. Be patient with yourself and your baby.

(long jaw motions)


Your Guide to Postpartum and Newborn Care

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