Mount Auburn Hospital - Great Expectations
It’s never too soon to start planning for your baby’s birth. As your due date gets closer, you will have plenty of questions. It’s also normal to have thoughts and feelings about the birth experience, including some fear of the unknown. The best way to handle your fears is with education. And one of the best places to learn is at a childbirth class.
CHILDBIRTH CLASSES Taking childbirth classes can help prepare you for labor and birth. Led by a trained instructor, classes typically include lectures, discussions, and exercises. You’ll also meet other parents-to-be who can share their thoughts and experiences. You’ll also want to choose a labor support partner (spouse, partner, friend, or relative) to be there for you during labor and birth. You and your support partner can take childbirth classes together, learning exercises and breathing techniques to help your labor experience go as smoothly as possible.
USING A DOULA Doulas are labor coaches with special training in birthing and recovery. They are not licensed medical professionals but can provide helpful emotional and physical support. Doulas do not work in all hospitals or birth centers, and their fees are often not covered by insurance plans. Check with your hospital or birth center to see if they have doulas. You can also hire a private doula.
YOUR BIRTH PLAN A written birth plan helps your health care provider and birth facility understand your preferences for labor and birth. It may include who you want to manage your care, who you want in the labor and birth room with you, and the type of care you want after birth. Your plan should be flexible enough to keep you and your baby safe if something happens during labor and birth. Talk to your provider or hospital to see if they have their own specific policies. If the provider or hospital doesn’t have a standard birth plan form, you can find one online.
16 Your Guide to A Healthy Pregnancy
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