Mount Auburn Hospital - Great Expectations

During your pregnancy, your provider’s main concern is the health of you and your baby. Thanks to modern technology, providers have advanced tests they can use to carefully monitor your health and the progress of your baby.


ULTRASOUND (SONOGRAPHY) Ultrasound testing fits into several different categories. It may be used for monitoring, screening, or diagnosis. Your health care provider may perform an ultrasound at any time during your pregnancy. Some of the most common reasons to have an ultrasound include: • To confirm your due date and if you are carrying more than 1 baby • To detect a problem or monitor the condition of your baby • To make sure the baby is growing and developing properly • To locate the placenta and check the volume of amniotic fluid

These tests help identify many problems while the baby is still in the uterus. Some issues can be treated before the baby is born. Categories of prenatal tests include: • Routine – Basic tests done to check for any condition that may cause a health problem • Monitoring – Tests to check the well being of the baby; usually done later in pregnancy • Screening – Special tests to see if you or your baby are likely to have certain conditions


• Diagnostic – Done after a positive screening test to see if you or your baby has the condition

What is an ultrasound? It’s a simple, noninvasive test that uses sound waves to create a video image of your baby moving inside your uterus. The image is created using an instrument called a wand that is placed either on your tummy or in your vagina. While your provider is doing the test, you may be able to watch your baby on a special screen.

8 Your Guide to A Healthy Pregnancy

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