A New Beginning
How Much Should My Baby Eat?
Formula Feeding
DAY 3 Size of a cherry tomato 22-27 ml
DAY 7 Size of a strawberry 45-60 ml
MONTH 1 Size of a lime 80-150 ml
DAY 1 Size of a grape 5-7 ml
How do I know when my baby has finished feeding? You want to make sure you don’t overfeed your baby. Just like they show cues when they’re hungry, your baby also has ways of letting you know they’re ready to end the feeding. So watch and listen closely to your baby throughout the feeding.
Because your baby’s stomach is very small at first, they’ll only be able to take small amounts. This means they’ll feed frequently, at least 8 times in 24 hours. In the first 24-48 hours of life, a baby takes 15-30 ml, or about ½ to 1 ounce, at a feeding. During your baby’s first week of life, this amount will gradually increase. As your baby grows, their feeding pattern changes. The amount of milk your baby takes each feeding varies throughout the day. Track the ounces of milk your baby takes for 24 hours. Make sure your baby is getting the minimum amount recommended by your health care provider. The amount can vary depending on your baby’s weight and growth, so remember to ask your baby’s health care provider at each visit how much you should be feeding your baby.
Watch for these cues: • Closes mouth • Turns head away • Relaxes hands • No longer sucking • Letting go of the nipple
Stop the feeding if the following signs of stress occur:
• Turning the head • Arching the back • Choking
• Sputtering • Changing color
• Moving the arms • Tensing fists while eating
Chapter 10: Formula Feeding Chapter 10: Formula Feeding
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