A New Beginning

To decrease muscle and joint discomfort


Physical Changes

Your shoulders, neck and arms may ache from the physical exertion of

labor. Your joints in your hand may feel stiff from the IV fluids given during labor and swelling from the redistribution of fluid. Pregnancy may have weakened your abdominal wall muscles and placed a strain on your back. You may also have neck and back pain from lifting and caring for your baby. Your wrists may become sore from changing diapers or snapping tiny buttons on your baby’s clothing or if you have a history of carpal tunnel syndrome.

While breastfeeding, elevate your feet, sit up

straight, support your arms with pillows, bring baby to breast, and elevate your feet on a stool. Don’t look down or lean forward during feedings as this could increase muscle discomfort.

Use medications if they are recommended by your provider


Bend at your elbows rather than your wrists

Use a wrist splint

Stand up straight when walking — don’t stoop over


Chapter 1: Physical Changes

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