A New Beginning
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Perinatal: Anytime during pregnancy through the first year postpartum If you or your family feels your symptoms are more severe, last longer than 2 weeks, or occur anytime during the year after childbirth, you could be experiencing a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder (PMAD). About 1 in 6 new parents experience moderate to severe symptoms of depression or anxiety after the birth of their baby. PMADs include a wide array of symptoms ranging from depression and anxiety, to obsessive thinking and intrusive thoughts, to psychosis. A PMAD can occur anytime during pregnancy through the first year after childbirth. If you experience any symptoms of PMADs, remember that these are symptoms and not a reflection of you as a mother or your love for your child. The good news is that PMADs are treatable!
Types of PMADs • Postpartum Depression (PPD) • Postpartum Anxiety (PPA) • Panic Disorder • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Postpartum PTSD • Bipolar Disorders • Postpartum Psychosis
Risk factors for PMAD: • History of depression, anxiety, OCD • Thyroid imbalance, diabetes, endocrine disorders • Lack of support from family and friends • Pregnancy or delivery complications, infertility, miscarriage, or infant loss
• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) • Financial stress or poverty • Abrupt discontinuation of breastfeeding • History of abuse • Unwanted or unplanned pregnancy
A New Beginning
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