A New Beginning
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
What is the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale?
The EPDS is a set of 10 screening questions that ask you about how you have felt during the past 7 days. You choose the answer that’s closest to how you have felt in general for the past week – not just how you feel when answering. It takes about 5 minutes to answer all 10 questions. Each answer is given a score of 0 to 3. The maximum score is 30.
Why do this screen?
This screening tool helps to identify parents who may benefit from follow-up care. This screen helps to recognize if you should discuss your symptoms and feelings with your health care provider. Often people do not realize they may be depressed or anxious. Many parents’ feelings are just due to being exhausted from caring for their new baby. Sometimes these feelings can be signs or symptoms of a problem that can be treated.
Who should use this screening tool?
Both parents should be screened. Partners may experience depression and anxiety too. Be sure to answer the questions separately and don’t let anyone tell you how to answer them.
When should you do this screen?
The best time is just before your 6-week postpartum visit. If your partner, family member, or friend recognizes symptoms that may indicate depression, complete it earlier. Remember the earlier you seek help, the sooner you can begin treatment and feel like yourself again.
What does my total score mean?
A total score of 9 or higher for mothers or 7 or higher for partners may indicate depression or anxiety. But only your health care provider can diagnose depression or a perinatal mood disorder. So if your score is high, make an appointment to discuss your results.
A New Beginning
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