A New Beginning

Getting to Know Your Baby




Babies born before their due date may be covered with soft, fine hair, called lanugo. It helped to bind vernix to your baby’s skin during pregnancy. Lanugo usually falls out within the first 2 weeks but could last longer if your baby was premature.

Babies born after their due date may have dry and cracked skin because their skin absorbed the vernix before their birth. The dryness will resolve within a few weeks — don’t use lotions or creams on your baby’s skin.

Vernix is a whitish, creamy substance that covered and protected your baby’s skin during pregnancy. After birth, it helps soften their skin and stabilize their temperature. Any remaining vernix after their first bath will absorb in a few days.


After birth, both male and female babies’ breasts and genitals may look a little swollen. Their breasts may also leak a small amount of fluid. You may find a small amount of blood-tinged discharge in your baby girl’s diaper. This is all normal and happens when the last of your pregnancy hormones continues to circulate through the baby’s bloodstream. Within a few days after the birth, any breast and genital swelling and fluid discharge should stop.


Chapter 7: Getting to Know Your Baby

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