A New Beginning

Your Baby’s Behavior

Your baby’s body and brain have plenty to learn about living in the outside world. The following behaviors are normal during your baby’s first weeks after birth:



Sneezing can happen several times a day. It clears any dust, lint, and mucus from the baby’s nose.


Babies have very small nasal passages and breathe through their nose. They may breathe loudly or make funny noises during sleep.


Irregular Breathing Patterns

Slight pauses and different rates of breathing are normal as long as the baby is content and has normal skin color.

Hiccups happen before and after birth. They are caused by sudden, uneven contractions of the baby’s immature diaphragm.


Chin trembling may happen in the first few months when the baby is not cold or crying. It’s caused by an immature brain and central nervous system.

Chin Trembling

Straining (Bowel Movement)

Straining plus facial grimacing and turning red during a bowel movement is normal as long as the stool is soft.

Sleep Patterns

Babies establish their own sleep patterns, which may not coincide with yours and may be difficult to change. Between 4 and 8 weeks, many babies start sleeping through 1 or 2 nighttime feedings,

allowing you longer stretches of sleep. Signs that your baby is ready for sleep: • Yawning • Rubbing eyes

• Fussing • Looking away

Some babies sleep a lot and do not seem interested in feeding during their first few days. You need to wake your baby if they don’t eat at least 8 to 12 times in 24 hours. TIPS FOR WAKING A SLEEPY BABY • Place baby in skin-to-skin contact • Change the diaper • Sit baby upright, supporting their neck and head • Gently rub their feet or back • Remove the swaddle blanket and some of their clothing • Gently stroke their face, mouth, or arms • Hand express some milk onto your nipple for them to smell • Talk to baby


A New Beginning

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