A New Beginning

Tummy Time

Tummy time is simply placing your baby on their tummy on a clean, firm surface. Spending time in this position helps your baby develop their head, neck, and upper body muscles. It also helps build the strength and coordination your baby will need to roll over, crawl, reach, and play. Tummy time also helps reduce the flattened appearance of a baby’s head. Remember that your baby should never be placed on their tummy for napping or sleeping. Always place baby on their back for sleep.

TUMMY TIME TIPS • Choose a time when both you and your baby are awake and alert • Start with a few minutes 2 to 3 times per day; work up to 15 to 20 minutes daily

• Combine tummy time with other activities, like drying your baby after their bath or across your lap for burping • Never let yourself fall asleep while holding or supervising your baby in the tummy time position!

The Power of Play

Playing is much more than just a way to have fun. Playing with parents, siblings, and friends is essential to building active brains, bodies, and social bonds. Research shows that play can improve a child’s abilities to plan, organize, get along with others, and control their emotions. Play also helps with language, math, and social skills. The most educational toy is one that creates loving interactions between parents and children in supportive and unconditional play.

TIPS • Look for safe, simple toys that match your baby’s level of development • Avoid toys that are overstimulating, such as those with shrill noises and bright lights • Choose toys that help develop your child’s imagination and sense of wonder • Be aware of toys that promote racial or gender-based stereotypes


A New Beginning

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