Northside Hospital - Special Beginnings

Both alcohol and caffeine have been shown to interfere with breast milk let-down reflex. Caffeine may cause symptoms of colic or irritability and it is best avoided or limited to 1 to 2 servings per day.

Can I use marijuana or THC while breastfeeding?

Although marijuana is legal in some states, THC, the active substance in marijuana, in any form may be bad for your baby. Exposure to marijuana or THC, in any form, while breastfeeding is not recommended. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics discourages the use of marijuana by mothers who are breastfeeding their babies. 1 When a breastfeeding mother uses marijuana, THC passes through the breast milk in moderate amounts. THC is stored in body fat, and it stays in the body for a long time. Breast milk contains a lot of fat. This means that pumping and throwing out your breast milk immediately after THC use will not prevent your baby from receiving THC because it can stay in your system for up to 2 months. When a baby is exposed to THC through breastfeeding, the baby’s brain and body may store THC for a long time. This has the potential to affect your baby and your baby’s development. 2 Infants exposed to marijuana through breast milk may show signs of sedation, decreased muscle tone and poor sucking. 3 Your baby may also have trouble nursing if your breast milk has THC in it. What You Can Do Avoid using marijuana, or any substance containing THC in any form, while you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Contact your health care provider if you need help stopping the use of marijuana. Your Hospital Stay Some hospitals test babies after birth for drugs. If your baby tests positive for THC at birth, Georgia law requires child protective services be notified.

What if I need to take a medication? All families are concerned about taking medications/ herbals safely while breastfeeding or expressing milk for their babies. Many medications and herbal products pass into the milk, although in very small amounts. Herbal products are not regulated by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States. This means that herbal products will differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. When using prescribed medicines and herbal products at the same time, there is a chance for drug interactions. It is important to call the Lactation Center Advice Line (404-303-3329) when starting any new medication. Continue to pump and save the milk and write the name of the medication on the breast milk label. The lactation consultant will review the medication and communicate with your baby’s health care provider.

Can I drink alcohol or caffeine while breastfeeding?

As in pregnancy, caffeine and alcohol should be used with caution during lactation. Alcohol is transferred to breast milk. If you choose to have alcohol, it is recommended to allow 2 hours to elapse for each drink consumed before breastfeeding.

Sources: 1 Ryan, al (2018). Marijuana Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Implications for Neonatal and Childhood Outcomes. Pediatrics: 142(3). 2 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (2017). Marijuana Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Guidance for Colorado Health Care Providers Prenatal Visits. Retrieved on January 15, 2021 from PregnancyBreastfeeding-Clinical-Guidelines.pdf. 3 Alaska Department of Public Health and Environment. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and marijuana: Marijuana and your baby. Retrieved on October 1, 2020 from

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