A New Beginning

To Decrease Breast Discomfort if Breastfeeding: Breastfeed at least 8 to 12 times per day

BREAST ENGORGEMENT Hormone changes after delivery cause your breasts to start lactating (making milk). Your breasts may become heavier and swollen at 3 to 4 days postpartum. This is caused by an increased flow of blood to the breasts, swelling of the surrounding tissue, and lactating. This can be uncomfortable for some women. Engorgement usually lessens within 24 to 48 hours. Breast milk leakage may last a week.

To decrease breast discomfort if breastfeeding: • Breastfeed at least 8 to 12 times per day. • Wear a supportive, properly fitted bra — do not use an underwire bra. • Hand express or pump milk to soften the areola and nipple so your baby can latch. • Apply warm compresses to the breasts for a few minutes before breastfeeding to help release milk and then cool compresses after the feeding to decrease swelling. Never apply an ice pack directly to the skin.

To decrease breast discomfort if formula feeding: • Wear a supportive, properly fitted bra 24 hours a day — but do not bind your breasts. • Apply cold compresses to both breasts for 10 to 20 minutes (a bag of frozen peas or corn works great). Never apply an ice pack directly on your breasts. • Avoid stimulation to your breasts — when you shower, turn your back to the spray. • Don’t express any milk because this increases production and will prolong your discomfort. • Use medications recommended by your provider.


A New Beginning

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